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Iceland current weather reports — Iceland weather forecast 2

our Iceland current weather reports — Iceland weather forecast 2 content

Iceland weather reports (alphabetical list)

destinationweather reports and forecasts
list of weather reports Iceland
Selfoss weather

Current Selfoss weather conditions.

Siglufjorethur weather

Current Siglufjorethur weather conditions.

Stykkisholmur weather

Current Stykkisholmur weather conditions.

Vestmannaeyjar weather

Current Vestmannaeyjar weather conditions.

about Iceland


The Republic of Iceland is an island nation in the northern Atlantic Ocean, located between Greenland and Scotland, northwest of the Faroe Islands.

Iceland geography

Iceland is located on a geological hot spot on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It has many active volcanoes, notably the Hekla, and around 10% of the island is glaciated. Iceland has many geysers (itself an Icelandic word) and the widespread availability of geothermal power means residents of most towns have hot water and home heat for a low price. Electricity is generally very cheap because of the many rivers and waterfalls which are also used for the generation of electrical power.

The island itself has many fjords along the coastline, where also most cities are situated, because the island's interior, the Highlands of Iceland are an uninhabitable desert. The main towns are the capital Reykjavík, Keflavík, where the national airport is situated, and Akureyri. The island of Grímsey, on the Arctic Circle contains the northernmost habitation of Iceland. (

Unlike neighbouring Greenland, Iceland is considered to be a part of Europe, not of America. The island is the world's 18th largest island.

The island has four national parks: Jökulsárgljúfur National Park, Skaftafell National Park, Snæfellsnes National Park and Þingvellir.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Iceland".

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